Friday, July 30, 2010

lemonade and old friends

Wren and Finn had a blast knocking lemons off our friends' tree, and then with all those lemons of course they had to make some lemonade.

Jeremy is demonstrating the process, with typical gratuitous shirtlessness. I guess that's what Colorado and Arkansas do to a man.

The girls were willing, but lacked some necessary muscle for the not quite ripe lemons. However, they persevered until they had squoozen their whole supply.

A lull in the action gave Finn a chance to use such pick up lines as "I got this toy on one of my ten airplane rides."

Wren was suitably impressed. She seemed less enchanted by his discourse on the rooting habits of avocado seedlings, but you can't win them all. And overall I'd say he made a pretty great impression. She hasn't talked about much else but Finn, and it's a little bit heartbreaking that they like each other so much, since it's pretty much a star (or at least distance) crossed romance. At least 5 year olds have short attention spans.

Jane and Scout are more at the playing "next to" each other phase, which can still be pretty fun.

And this thoughtful family went ahead and had a little girl, to go with our expected little boy in the fall. Thanks guys! If our scheming is going to work out though, you will have to move to Texas. There are less lemons, but overall more shirts. At least in Central Texas. I won't speak to the gulf coast area.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pacific Palisades

We're home from our trip to visit friends in California. We had a really wonderful time, although of course it was bittersweet to see all the babies we left turned into kids we only know through blogs and facebook...

And a bit strange to go to a beach that on one hand does not have tar balls, but on the other hand, is always potentially freezing cold.

It warmed up after we'd been there for a bit into a perfect beach day, and the girls had a blast playing with old friends, who basically are really new friends, at least to Jane.

The belly did fine on the beach, and on the trip overall. As a result of moving and vacationing though, my ankles have completely disappeared. My legs just sort of stop at my new and improved enormous feet. Now that we're home I'm trying to train the children as butlers, to bring me everything I might need while I put my feet on a ridiculous stack of pillows and recline, but Wren just cannot grasp the intricacies of grape peeling, and Jane keeps pooping in her pants.

We had a great trip and it's really nice to be home in our new house. I still have stacks of boxes to get to, and pictures to hang up and all that stuff, but we are feeling pretty moved in, as far as essentials go. The next few weeks are going to be crazy for us, with more travel, more work on this house and our old house, and of course Jane's birthday coming up and KINDERGARTEN starting at the end of the month. Insane, I know. Where did this summer go?

At least we went to the beach!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

8 Years

Our eighth anniversary dinner...

I don't remember all the meals in between, but by and large I think they've been pretty great. I love you Chase. Thanks for making the last 8 years the very best.


Well, we're all moved in. Mostly.

Let's never speak of this again.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

strawberry freezer jam

I want to post about this later in more detail, but this was my first time making freezer jam, and if you haven't done it, seriously, go do it right now.

I have a copy of the new Saving the Seasons to review, so I've been working my way through some of the canning and preserving recipes. I know I should wait to talk about this until I'm further through the process, but I just absolutely had to talk about the miracle of freezer jam. The recipe in the book is pretty similar in specifics to the one of the Sure Jell package, or this one right here.

This process is so simple and easy, not only do you not have to process the jars, you don't even need to cook the fruit. Crazy! And since it's not cooked, the color stays so bright and clear- it's really really pretty. Invite me over for dinner and I just might give you one of these jars as a hostess gift. You think I'm being nice and generous but really I'm just showing off.

It's phenomenal on PB&J and it keeps in the fridge for three weeks after you thaw it. I know there are all kinds of good reasons to stick to water bath canning, including power outages and energy usage, and just general convenience of storage. But honestly? If my power goes out? I've made my peace with just cracking these open and eating them with a spoon, one at a time.

Friday, July 9, 2010

another rainy day

Another janky attempt at non-PBS sponsored kid entertainment at my house. Wren found the feltboard in a closet this morning and asked what it was. And at least one Dora's worth of entertainment was born! We measure all units of time by Dora length now. It seems to cause the least confusion.

I'm not saying the rain isn't wonderful. I love the rain, always. I do not love hearing snails crunch under my shoes every third step on the way to my car. I do not love the way rain makes drivers immediately lose their shit and go crazy for ramming.

And I also do not love the way being stuck inside in the middle of the summer tends to drive my kids slowly inexorably insane.

It's supposed to rain again tomorrow, but after that things are looking up. Our moving date is so far rain free, which is good.

And actually the sun just came out a few minutes ago, so we may throw on some suits and get over to the big wading pool at the Y for the rest of the day. You know, as soon as the fairies defeat the dragon and fly back to their cloud castle.

In other rain news- Jane is firm in her believe that 'thunderclouds' are actually 'thunderCLOWNS,' which dovetails nicely with her consuming terror of clowns.

She remembers every time she has ever been in the presence of a clown and she genuinely dreads seeing them, or coming into contact with them ever again. So you know, rainstorms = super fun times with lots of yelling about the 'thunderclowns'coming to get her.

But at least I know what to be for Halloween this year. Thank goodness Chase never threw away all his beloved juggalo gear.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I'm feeling very grateful for all the wonderful birthday wishes and gifts from this amazing group of friends and family. Thanks, you guys.

I had a low key but nice birthday, and succeeded in not talking to anyone unless they were selling me a latte, or a movie ticket or asking me what color I wanted for my pedicure. Introvert dream day. And also vertical picture day, apparently.

And I'm especially grateful to be sharing my birthday this year with the newest Seifert. Welcome Pearl! We are so so glad you're finally here. And yes, the fireworks are definitely for us, just a couple days early.