Monday, November 16, 2009


There's something special that separates the average F, or even BF from the true BFF. In the case of me and my BFF Kelly, that something has frequently been thousands of miles, since we haven't lived in the same city (and often not in the same state) since high school. We met up at the Renaissance Festival, walked around, ate things on sticks, admired each others' children and briefly considered getting our hands dipped in wax. And then... just as I was mourning the absence of any pictures to document it, she came through again with this lovely gem:

Yes I'm truly a lucky woman. Lucky in love and lucky in friends. I am never going to Plantersville without my BFF again.


Unknown said...

i was won over by Chase's TwitPic of himself as David the Gnome.

-- chase said...

It should be noted that this is the halfassed version of my David the Gnome costume. The real thing -- which I wore on Halloween -- was way better.

A bunch of people at the Ren Fest with elaborate costumes seemed to be in awe of the felt hat that Kate and I made in 10 minutes.

jessie said...

That high waisted belt really works on you Chase. High five to Kelly for catching this magical moment.

Kelly said...


(I hope the extra explanation point are conveying a jr. high level of intensity - that's how I feel about you my friend.)