Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Snow Day

I'm late posting this, but I can't resist sharing our huge batch of "frolicking in the snow" photos from Tuesday, so...

Wren loved it. She was immediately a huge fan.

Jane was... less so.

We took a break to drink some hot chocolate, and to find a warmer coat for Jane.

When we headed back out, Jane was ready for round two. There was more snow on the ground, and she really loved stomping and dancing around in it.

After a while there was the obligatory (but still fun) snowball fight.

And then we spent the rest of the day curled up on the couch eating popcorn and watching movies.

At this point, Spring is looking pretty awesome. I'm glad we had a fun snow time at the tale end of winter (Hurray Snow!) but seriously, Texas. What is up?


amber said...

wren looks like lucy from narnia!!

rachel said...

i love the pic of them drinking hot chocolate. wren holds her cup like she's telling stories about her grandbabies.

i tried taking bea out to play in the snow, but all she wanted to do was eat it. so i have pictures of her mouth full of leaves and grass. and that's it.