Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Helpful Sisters

My sister Anne came over the other morning to bring Chase some cedar posts for a project he's working on. In between stories about the life of a park ranger ("and then I zipped the baby mountain goat into my hoodie and was belayed back to the top of the ridge") and the life of a soon-to-be NOLS intern ("I guess I'll just have to buy a 4 season tent. How cold does it get in Wyoming anyway?") I drafted Anne to help me make a mobile.

First we made some cranes, using this tutorial mostly, and then we gathered some sticks, and then I made Anne attempt to wrestle the whole thing into place.

It was a tricky placement, because it had to be lower than the ceiling fan, but high enough that Jane couldn't grab the birds from her crib. This necessitated all kinds of knots and cursing and dizziness from holding our arms over our heads for 30 minutes. At one point, the park ranger offered to go retrieve her knot manual from her Bronco. This was after she'd offered superglue, and needle nose pliers.

We are very different people.

I love the finished product, and so do Jane and Wren. Jane yells "BUDS!" when she looks up in her crib, and Wren, who has been having all kinds of trouble getting to sleep lately, says she likes to look at them with her flashlight at night.

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